Art Takes Times Square – So Vote For Me!

Alright, I decided to go for it. I received an email encouraging me to enter this contest. At first I kinda ignored it, but then I figured why not.

You can click on this link to vote for me:

The best part is, there’s no entrance fee to enter. Usually I totally ignore those with the artists’ fees, as I’m currently one of those so-called “struggling artists.” Since this one had an entry free of charge, why not. If I don’t get in…oh well. It was worth a shot. After all, if I win, there’s the promise of “International Publicity + The World’s Most Immense Exhibition + $16,000 in Grants.”

Have to warn you, trying to find my artist page might be a bit confusing. Already a few of my friends tried to vote for me, but couldn’t find the “collect me” button. Must be aggravating for them as well as for me. So with that I apologize in advance for the mass confusion.

As for putting down an “artist statement”…I hate those. Usually they sound so pretentious, you know? I hate reading others, and I hate composing a statement of my own. I mean, I can write one, sure, but what am I supposed to say? Perhaps I can take a cue from that B-52s tune “Song For A Future Generation”;

Hey, my name is Michele and I’m a
fire sign from New York City, and I like
To find the essence from within

So much for artist statements. Anyway, if you can get past the muck and are able to vote for me, much appreciated. Until next time…and if you did already vote for me…thanks.

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An artist, illustrator and cartoonist from NYC. In addition, former mad mage, lousy bass player, music fanatic, midnight movie rabidness, indie comix cousin, and pop culture connoisseur with a hint of cynicism. As my good friend said: Never judge a cook by his lover, for if you do he might put a roach in yer suppa.

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